Tuesday, 3 December 2013

8th-9th October, Montbuoy

Our first stopover was at a little place called Montbuoy, and all we really knew here was to look out for a Roman Arch on the otherwise relatively unremarkable church.  Anyway, here there were yet more flowers, and our boat is in the distance:
The aforementioned church is just behind where I'm standing taking this, i.e. :
See, shorts, but a lightweight jacket too.  Another view from further away, over another bridge, looking in fact over the river Loing itself:
That's another old wash house on the left, and more floating flower boats.  They do take civic pride seriously in France.  Anyway, that Roman door, here it is, with a person in the way for scale:
As you can see, it hardly fits in with the church itself, and it does say it is Roman, but dates from ~1000 AD, rather than AD 200.  Roman in style, anyhow, who knows, how do you date stone?  Tricky.  A few more nice views:
So back to the boat, and the next, short leg to Chatillon-Calligny, where we'll be a few days as our friends from Montargis are coming down this way for an outing with friends coming for a short break.  Last view:

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