Sunday, 20 July 2014

January 2014

I debated a long time about this, and decided to show a few pix that covered the first 3 months of this year, before we did any real boating.  This is partly to show we don't hibernate, and in fact are pretty busy;  if you only want to learn about where to moor, etc., then start in April !  Or better still, use the dba website!
New Year's Day meal, in the restaurant opposite us the Petit Saint Trop, was expensive but took all day!

Just be pleased I missed out two of the courses!  We dined with friends, which is a great feature of life afloat, always meeting with friends for drinks and/or food, as you will see!  Nice walks:
Mistletoe freely available (the French don't know about its powers!):
Our Pom-pom ducks (I know, I'll look them up!) are still there (we thought we'd lost one):
And some other bird:
The winter weather was mild and really lovely:
Then there was this fridge/freezer that needed to go in, and out, of a friends boat.  Oh well, good to know:

Some lovely friends came all the way down to stay just two nights with us:
That's the Loire, and as we now had a merchant navy captain on board, we did a day trip across the Pont Canal, across said, very wide river above:
Then there was the un-missable (incontournable in French!) Burns Night - them's real tartans on the table, and that's my attempt at haggish, hagiography if you like, with Tatties and Swede (no neeps), and other dear friends billeted at Briare the winter:
Plus a wee dram of course.
That's all for January.  I've something similar for Feb & March, but don't hold your breath.

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